Saturday, December 5, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
We have so much to be thankful for! Caroline and Elizabeth are truly gifts from God. We are finally over the bug that was going thru the house, we are left with nice snotty noses tho... comes with the territory I guess! Elizabeth continues to amaze me every day! Caroline is adding more and more words to her vocabulary. I had the chance to take Caroline out for a Mommy Caroline date on Saturday. Daddy was sweet enough to stay home with Elizabeth who still wasn't feeling very good. We went to get lunck and I ordered Caroline a treet (we don't do sodas so it was a VERY big treet!) a Shirly Temple! She took one drink, her eyes got huge and she gave me the most wonderful hug around my neck, and she said Thank you mommy I love pink drink! I love the little moments like that! We finished decorating for Christmas, Caroline and Elizabeth both are enjoying the tree. They get to see Santa next week! I can't wait! Enjoy the pictures. We love you all!
Monday, November 9, 2009
So Elizabeth FINALLY has her first tooth... We have been teething forever and that booger finally made it's way in! She has been "talking" so much all week! Between her and Caroline I can hardly hear myself think. Elizabeth figured out that she can walk if she's holding on to stuff. It looks so funny to see a baby so small "walking'arround! Its been so pretty here so we've gotten to play out side quite abit this past week. She loves the little tikes car and after a few fits Caroline figured out that she can ride her bikes along side of Elizabeth and they can both play! Caroline is loving her big big girl bed, almost 2 weeks now and she hasn't come crawing into mommy and daddy's bed once! :) She has Elizabeth craw into bed with her everymorning to play with bears and puppy. I LOVE watching them play together, it is just way to sweet! My camera battery is dead so I'll add the outside pictures tomorrow. We LOVE you ALL and we hope you enjoy these pictures!
Monday, October 26, 2009
You know it's fall when....

The leaves are falling, the temperatures are cooling and there is the wonderfull smell of fires in the air, yes it is fall! We went to the pumpkin patch last week. The girls had already been once, but I wanted to go with them too. So we packed up and headed out on our kunkin ( that's what Caroline call's pumpkins ) adventure! Caroline, being the smart little girl that she is, once again picked out little pumpkins. In her little mind she doesn't understand why she should want a big one because she wants to carry it all by her self! We had so much fun and she even picked out some for Elizabeth! We carved our pumpkins with the Malones. While the adults were carving the girls started out by picking out the seeds for roasting, but quickly decided that it was much more fun to make pumpkin soup! The table cloth that was laied down was pretty much useless! Last night we went to Boo at the Zoo! We all had so much fun. Caroline jumped thru the entire zoo, I kept waiting for her to run out of energy but 2 and 1/2 hours later she was still going full force! Elizabeth was great, she even kept the hood of her costume on all night long! A fun fun week. Now to get back on schedule. Love you all, hope that you enjoy the pictures!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Fresh Start
So I have not done a very good job of keeping up our blog, especially since Elizabeth has been born. I realized to day that not only is this a great way to keep our family up to date on the goings on of our family, it serves as a great journal for me to look back at! So I am setting a new goal, hopefully a realistic one, to blog atleast once every 2 weeks. Lets start with Caroline. My beautiful little girl is growing up so fast. It is so fun to watch her become a little kid... sad too! She has the best imagination and a wonderful heart! She loves her sister so much. She loves to make Elizabet smile, she acts so proud of herself when her sister laughs at her. Caroline's favorite thing in the world to do is jump! This girl jumps 90% of the time! :) I love that she loves music, she will cry such big tears if I close the piano up, and she can turn anything into a drum kit (and the girl has rythem! I think she inhereted some of her pawpaw's tallent).
Elizabeth is growing faster that I can keep up with. I sware I just had her yesterday, yet here we are at 7 months already! She started crawing just before she turned 6 months, all she wants to do is keep up with Caroline! Now that she has the crawing down she realizes that yes it's nice but shes still not quite fast enough! I have no doubt that she will be crawing by Christmas! AHHH! She is such a sweet baby, with a beautiful smile and even better laugh! Her laugh reminds me of my Pawpaw's laugh. These girls make me miss Granny and Pawpaw so much. They would love these girls so much!
Casey and I are doing great. I have become a stay at home mommy. It has required sacrifice but we feel that this is what God wants for our family. God is good and we KNOW that he will take care of us, and he has. He promises us that he cares for us even more that the birds of the sky and the grass of the field, we know that God had AMAZING things instore for our family, so as for tomorrow... we're going to let HIM take care of it, and we will enjoy it when it gets here. We are blessed to have family's that have trained us up the way we should go, and now it's our turn to pass it on. We love you all so much!
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